
21 名前:名無しさん@1周年[] 投稿日:2018/06/02(土) 13:02:36.97 ID:GUjKSDKf0 [1/5]
ソース https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-meeting-vice-chairman-kim-yong-chol-democratic-peoples-republic-korea/
Q Do you plan to offer the North Koreans economic aid at the June 12th summit?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, what’s going to happen is South Korea will do that. No, I don’t
think the United States is going to have to spend. I think South Korea will do it.
I think China - I think, frankly, China will help out.
大統領: えーっと、これは韓国がやることです。いや私は米国が払う必要はないと思ってます。韓国がやり、中国、

I think that Japan will help out. No, I don’t see the United States spending a lot of money.
You know, we have three hostages. How much money did I spend for the hostages?

And, look, we’re very far away. We are very far away. Those places are very close.
It’s their neighborhood. We’re thousands - we’re 6,000 miles away. So I’ve already
told South Korea, I said, “You know, you’re going to have to get ready.” And Japan, also.

And I think they really want to see something great happen. Japan does, South Korea
does, and I think China does. But that’s their neighborhood; it’s not our neighborhood.