Guam’s Joint Information Center

Fact Sheet:In Case of Emergency……
Preparing for an Imminent Missile Threat


・Build an Emergency Supply Kit (Review Fact Sheet 2)
・Make a Family Emergency Plan (Review Fact Sheet 2)
・Make a list of potential concrete shelters near
 your home, workplace and school. These places
 can include basements or the windowless center
 area of middle floors in multi-level buildings.
  ○ Fallout shelters do not need to be
    specifically constructed for protecting
    against fallout. They can be protected
    space, provided that the walls and roof
    are thick and dense enough (i.e.
    concrete) to absorb radiation given off by
    fallout particles.


・Listen for official information and follow
 instructions provided by emergency response
 personnel. Based on what is known about the
 threat, you may be asked to take shelter, go to a
 specific location, or evacuate a specific area.
 (Review Fact Sheet 1).

・If an attack warning is issued, take cover as
 quickly as you can, under concrete structure or
 below ground if possible, and stay there until
 instructed to do otherwise.

・Find the nearest building, preferably built of brick
 or concrete, and go inside to avoid any
 radioactive material outside.

・Stay where you are, even if you are separated
 from your family. Inside is the safest place for all
 people in the impacted area. It can save your

・Expect to stay inside for at least 24 hours unless
 otherwise told by authorities.