
アメリカの小中学生(middle school)向けのコース



Android App Development: In this hands-on six-week course, students learn how to create an app
for Android smart phones using MIT Appinventor software. Students will develop the necessary skills
to create their own interactive game in both emulated and physical Android environment. Students will
collaborate in teams of 2-3 to create an Android app using a simulator and then do their final project
presentation/demo using an actual Android device during the last couple of weeks of the course.
Grades: 6-8.

Video Game Design 101: Interested in video games? Want to learn how they are made? Video
Game Design 101 is a six-week course for you to create your very own Mario-type side scrolling
game using Stencyl that you can play with your friends and family. Grades: 6-8.

Introduction to C++ Programming: This course is the second of the three courses required for
the “Software Development Fundamentals” certificate. Students who successfully completed the
eight-week “Alice Programming” course last semester can register for the course. Students who
did not complete the prerequisite, can take this course with the instructor's permission but not for
the certificate. This is a six-week course that introduces students to the fundamentals of the
C++ programming language. Students will create programs to demonstrate understanding of variables,
statements, expressions, arithmetic, program control, etc. Grades: 7-8.