Recently, I watched a disgusting scene on TV and probably I've never seen a more ridiculous one since I came to Japan.
Mrs Koike, the chairwoman of Tokyo, when interviewed, suddenly got angry and told photographers not to take photos of her coughing.

"This is the woman," I thought. A male statesman would never say so.
It is often said that a woman is more apt to get angry in her menstrual period, or for several years since her menstrual cycle entirely stops.
However, judging from her age, her situation is not true of either. A woman is innately always passionate; feels more, thinks less.

It is not the patriarchy as some women claim, but women's own nature that prevents them from having power.
It will not be long before Mrs Koike fails to keep her temper, and "coughs up" her true thought that the dead people are just the weak people.