【ハゲ】息するだけで髪が生えると発表される [猪木いっぱい★]

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001猪木いっぱい ★2020/05/19(火) 17:51:29.48ID:mG8l9l749







解説:ハゲの呼吸 壱之型 「風起雲湧」は、いわゆるマインドフルネスである。

お前らの為の応援ソング 【紅蓮毛】ハゲの気持ちになって歌ってみた

0174不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 21:26:37.98ID:tQfQ2Myv0

  彡⌒ ミ∩      _ ∩ ,∵; .
  (     )/  ⊂/   ノ ).'' ;
 ⊂    ノ    /   /ノV
  (   ノ    し' ̄∪
  ━━       ━━

0175不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 21:34:40.36ID:Zdb1Keuv0

0176不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 21:52:35.66ID:+Asvm1de0

0177不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 22:51:22.18ID:2WFeK4Ro0
  ____  あー
  l      | 心配いりません
  | 05月  | ただのハゲです
  | ::::  |
  | ::::∧@∧       彡⌒ ミ
  ロ__( ´・ω・)      (・ω・` ) 先生…頭が寒気がするんです
  __φとヽΩ/)‐┐   (⊃ ⊂ ) コロナでしょうか?
    ||/| /ノ___┌┘_|    (  ( _ノノ
  ─|l.┻(_(__| [__。       し し工

0178不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 22:52:17.70ID:yhePqzJ40

0179不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 22:53:57.56ID:pvl5/a470

0180不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 22:56:04.23ID:9jQhAb/U0

0181不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 22:56:37.05ID:USaPz2sw0


0182不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 23:29:08.39ID:AAxbpKGK0

0183不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 23:35:33.78ID:sVHysv2g0

0184不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 23:35:51.80ID:VN1hK0SW0

0185不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 23:36:24.01ID:K123EdoG0
先生! 助けて!!!

0186不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 23:36:39.68ID:/6PwaZKL0

0187不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/19(火) 23:52:55.87ID:+Hv47qic0

0188不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 00:43:51.59ID:UcLh/ieu0

0189不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 01:01:45.03ID:YOVboxlG0

0190不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 07:53:12.17ID:t6Fw2PRN0
  彡 ⌒ ミ   来たか
  ( ´・ω・`) ガタッ
  l r  Y i|
_U__/ ̄ ̄ ̄/_
  \/     /

0191不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 08:11:02.58ID:xpzLXWd70
This is the main reason for the men's Bondley head!

You may have noticed a lot of men's heads. The hair on the front of the head is gone. Frontal hair is bald. Do you know what caused it?

Especially in our society, men who are half their age find only half a head. About 80 out of 100 men have this problem.
Often men lose hair on the side of their scalp.
Others are only 40 years old, with hair on the front of their head on the forehead.
So why does our hair have this kind of problem as we get older? It is natural for everyone to doubt.

Psychological stress
Some medical research has revealed some of the factors they have found in their studies of men's hair.
It is believed that the inherited problem of hair problems that men face as they get older is also the reason.
This means that if someone has a similar hair problem in a mother's relationship, the same problem will start to appear for a certain person by the age of 50.
In another opinion, the words of the researchers are astonishing. This is because the mental stress that a man is experiencing can also cause hair loss.
Psychological stress promotes the release of two types of sex hormones in men's bodies.
Testosterone and Dye Hydro Testosterone. Both of these hormones play an important role in hair loss.
There is no other way to alleviate the problem of hair loss. However, research has shown that men can escape this problem by reducing their stress.

Some strategies to relieve mental stress
Meditation at home at school or in the mornings at a young age fades from our lives as we grow older.
But you'd be surprised if this type of meditation is so overused today.
Yes, meditation helps the brain's nerve pulses to change in their performance and start working more efficiently.
This helps to relieve the stress that is often encountered in the brain.
Meditation can be completed successfully by sitting in a quiet calm environment, closing your eyes, taking a breath slowly and breathing in, focusing your attention on one point or reciting any mantra.

Long breath taking and letting go
Yoga experts say that this practice works best for the relief of man's stress.
With this habit you can take control of your anxiety, stress, and emotions in your mind. Doctors have also accepted this practice.
Sit up straight on a mat and close your eyes and take a long breath. After a few seconds, let the breath out slowly.
Do this for 5 minutes a day. It will calm your mind and control the mental stress and anger caused by the small things. This will increase your intellect.

Listen to your favorite music
In recent times, it has become a trend for everyone to listen to music through mobile. Although it is a waste of time to look at, it can bring great benefits to our mental health.
But instead of listening to loud and loud songs, the tranquility of classical music of gentle nature has a great effect on the mind and body - continents.
The sound of a half hour of music every evening has the power to relieve such stress when the mind is tired of the hustle and bustle of life.

0192不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 08:11:20.38ID:xpzLXWd70
Don't forget yoga
Yoga is one of the many ways to reduce mental stress very effectively. Our elders have long since benefited from the practice of yoga.
It is a means of preserving the whole body of man.
Because of yoga as a blood control in a man's body, heart health improves. You can follow this practice with other members of your household every day of your life by learning a number of yoga techniques that can reduce mental stress.

Stay away from the caffeine content
Some even have the habit of drinking coffee or tea for half an hour. But they are not the only ones who are concerned about the consequences to their health.
Researchers have uncovered a fact found in caffeine. Most coffee and tea drinkers are more likely to develop psychological stress and anxiety over the course of the day.
So drinking coffee or tea on an empty stomach or every day can be replaced by drinking green tea or lemon tea.

Laughing out loud
Laughing is considered an exercise. In many parks, we see all of the seniors standing together, sipping their hands - playing loudly and laughing, and we all laugh at them once more and return home.
But the secret behind laughing out loud is that relieving mental stress does not make you believe.
So you can follow one of these habits to keep your mind free of any stress and anxiety.

0193不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:40:52.64ID:vIb1ZCnM0
  彡 ⌒ ミ
  (´・ω・`) 息してればいいの?

0194不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:42:16.80ID:SA5NlCFU0

0195不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:43:02.86ID:m0T51XTF0
なんだ、今回は何も売らないのなw っと思ったら、ヨガかw


0196不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:43:48.60ID:/KEjUSkF0
This is the main reason for the men's Bondley head!

You may have noticed a lot of men's heads. The hair on the front of the head is gone. Frontal hair is bald. Do you know what caused it?

Especially in our society, men who are half their age find only half a head. About 80 out of 100 men have this problem.
Often men lose hair on the side of their scalp.
Others are only 40 years old, with hair on the front of their head on the forehead.
So why does our hair have this kind of problem as we get older? It is natural for everyone to doubt.

Psychological stress
Some medical research has revealed some of the factors they have found in their studies of men's hair.
It is believed that the inherited problem of hair problems that men face as they get older is also the reason.
This means that if someone has a similar hair problem in a mother's relationship, the same problem will start to appear for a certain person by the age of 50.
In another opinion, the words of the researchers are astonishing. This is because the mental stress that a man is experiencing can also cause hair loss.
Psychological stress promotes the release of two types of sex hormones in men's bodies.
Testosterone and Dye Hydro Testosterone. Both of these hormones play an important role in hair loss.
There is no other way to alleviate the problem of hair loss. However, research has shown that men can escape this problem by reducing their stress.

Some strategies to relieve mental stress
Meditation at home at school or in the mornings at a young age fades from our lives as we grow older.
But you'd be surprised if this type of meditation is so overused today.
Yes, meditation helps the brain's nerve pulses to change in their performance and start working more efficiently.
This helps to relieve the stress that is often encountered in the brain.
Meditation can be completed successfully by sitting in a quiet calm environment, closing your eyes, taking a breath slowly and breathing in, focusing your attention on one point or reciting any mantra.

Long breath taking and letting go
Yoga experts say that this practice works best for the relief of man's stress.
With this habit you can take control of your anxiety, stress, and emotions in your mind. Doctors have also accepted this practice.
Sit up straight on a mat and close your eyes and take a long breath. After a few seconds, let the breath out slowly.
Do this for 5 minutes a day. It will calm your mind and control the mental stress and anger caused by the small things. This will increase your intellect.

Listen to your favorite music
In recent times, it has become a trend for everyone to listen to music through mobile. Although it is a waste of time to look at, it can bring great benefits to our mental health.
But instead of listening to loud and loud songs, the tranquility of classical music of gentle nature has a great effect on the mind and body - continents.
The sound of a half hour of music every evening has the power to relieve such stress when the mind is tired of the hustle and bustle of life.

0197不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:44:01.30ID:/KEjUSkF0
Don't forget yoga
Yoga is one of the many ways to reduce mental stress very effectively. Our elders have long since benefited from the practice of yoga.
It is a means of preserving the whole body of man.
Because of yoga as a blood control in a man's body, heart health improves. You can follow this practice with other members of your household every day of your life by learning a number of yoga techniques that can reduce mental stress.

Stay away from the caffeine content
Some even have the habit of drinking coffee or tea for half an hour. But they are not the only ones who are concerned about the consequences to their health.
Researchers have uncovered a fact found in caffeine. Most coffee and tea drinkers are more likely to develop psychological stress and anxiety over the course of the day.
So drinking coffee or tea on an empty stomach or every day can be replaced by drinking green tea or lemon tea.

Laughing out loud
Laughing is considered an exercise. In many parks, we see all of the seniors standing together, sipping their hands - playing loudly and laughing, and we all laugh at them once more and return home.
But the secret behind laughing out loud is that relieving mental stress does not make you believe.
So you can follow one of these habits to keep your mind free of any stress and anxiety.

0198不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:44:16.06ID:fpynotmEO

0199不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:44:46.68ID:vCUBFsjC0

0200不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:45:03.34ID:G9LGy1vH0

0201不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:45:55.42ID:OUZYEBKa0

0202不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:48:05.46ID:vIb1ZCnM0
  彡 ⌒ ミ
  (´・ω・`) 読めない

0203不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 11:50:40.70ID:7YHwGnPD0

0204不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 12:02:06.32ID:/LsD0Z5O0

0205不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 12:08:23.87ID:dpSveFwK0

0206不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 12:14:51.39ID:oVeQTpkI0

0207不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 12:15:06.35ID:oVeQTpkI0

0208不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 13:18:50.14ID:VPZZHPuF0
【思春期・ストレス】何度言っても髪の毛を抜く中3息子。やめさせるにはどうしたら?【小川大介先生の子育てよろず相談室】 [電気うなぎ★]

0209不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 13:33:56.16ID:1HYBmrmq0

0210不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 13:38:46.81ID:qnI1rFo30

0211不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 13:42:23.75ID:bye1Wxtd0
彡 ⌒ ミ

 ○ 非常に役にたった
 ○ 役にたった
 ○ どちらともいえない
 ○ 役に立たなかった
 ● 全く役にたたなかった

0212不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 13:51:18.67ID:ItBwRF2T0


【思春期・ストレス】何度言っても髪の毛を抜く中3息子。やめさせるにはどうしたら?【小川大介先生の子育てよろず相談室】 [電気うなぎ★]

0213不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 13:52:59.04ID:bye1Wxtd0
  彡 ⌒ ミ
⊂(´・ω・`) >>212スレタイ見ただけでも、役に立たんがな
 /    ,9m

0214不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 15:19:35.31ID:h1bO3YJd0

0215不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 15:21:39.62ID:ltQz9wYK0

0216不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 15:23:47.33ID:u7jmCIGv0

0217不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 15:41:37.72ID:gHmzc/4U0

0218不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 16:08:43.34ID:dAiVmSbr0

0219不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 18:50:29.99ID:QY+Bewfx0
   ♪ ぼくらはみんな息してる

 \\ 息してるけどハゲるんだ //

    彡⌒ ミ 彡⌒ ミ 彡⌒ ミ
    (´・ω・) (´・ω・) (´・ω・)
   彡⌒ ミ 彡⌒ ミ 彡⌒ ミ |)
   (´・ω・) (´・ω・) (´・ω・) |
   (|   |)^(|   |)^(|   |)^J
    |   | ..|   | ..|   |
   し⌒J .....し⌒J .....し⌒J

0220不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 18:53:44.00ID:P5AaeLIN0

0221不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 18:54:47.39ID:TzK2rXzd0

0222不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 19:00:46.28ID:F55Aywhh0

0223不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 20:17:39.06ID:5UfyOwhj0

0224不要不急の名無しさん2020/05/20(水) 21:20:32.58ID:rP+KhcvK0

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています