
The League of Couple Bashers aka LCB. カップル撲滅連盟 略してかぷ滅連
Requirements: Must be celibate all your life. 参加資格 彼女いない歴=年齢
Rule no.1 –nip any hint of budding romance. 活動内容その1カップルの幸せを断固として阻止する
Rule no.2 – Never, ever, find a girlfriend. ぬけがけして彼女をつくらない
Rule no.3 – No lingering stares at lovebirds. カップルをみかけてもうらやましがらない

Listen up, members of LCB! おうおう皆聞いてくれ
Nothing serious. It’s one of those stupid things you do in high school.
The outcast of West High. I, Sakamoto, have an announcement to make. 西高の鼻つまみ者カプ滅連の一員だった僕坂本ですが
Her name is Miyuki. みゆきってゆーんじゃ
At 21, I finally found love!! 21歳を迎えてやっと春がやってきました
No hard feelings, Yone, Nishi. よね、にっしゃんごめんな
Three years after graduation, one of us got a ticket out of the club. 卒業して3年そのうち1人に彼女ができた
What? Show me!
What is she like?
I’m officially disqualified! 本日でもって脱会します!
No girlfriend after all these years? てかまだおらんかったんか
Why didn’t you bring her with you? 彼女連れて来いよ
Today is a high-school reunion.
2ページ目 (また100点)
What are you going to do now? It’s just you and me now. よね〜とうとう2人になってしもたよう
Haruki Yonekura, aka Yone…
I have had a secret crush on Tetsuo Nishi aka Nishioka.
I asked you to fix me up with a girl but you never did! それもこれもよねが県外出て合コン読んでくれへんけんじゃあ
I tried to drift away because I couldn’t ignore my feelings for him. 普通の友達を続ける自信がなくて離れてはみたが
Chicks! Blind dates!
Since when did you wear glasses? だいたいなんなこのメガネ
Trend conscious?!! Lame!! 今流行の眼鏡男子気取りか!!
It’s easy for you to say. 俺かて呼ばれんのに
Relax, pals. そんぐらいしとけだ
There’re only moms and old ladies at my office. 職場はおばちゃんばっかりやし
I’ve been after Yone to hook me up with someone. 大学の合コン呼んでくれへんし
You’re a traitor, you know that? 坂本の裏切り者!!
You’re asking the wrong person. よねに言うんがまちごうとるぞ
So you’ve never had a girlfriend, huh?
Th-that’s not true!
I’ve been to a fashion health parlor.
Like a prostitute? え?フーゾク
For real? Details! まじで どんなやったん
Yikes. That doesn’t count. そんなん付き合ったって言わんよ
They know what buttons to push. Ever had your dick sucked with a finger up your ass?
That was heaven! I came instantly!! 性感マッサージってな。ごっついええ。
Try that for your boyfriend.
You’re disgusting, Nishi!!!
That’s sexual harassment!
What? You’re hard?
I can take you there.
I want love…