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Feuding founders John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, hours apart

By Josh Axelrod and Brandon Griggs, CNN

Updated at 4:37 PM ET, Wed July 4, 2018

(CNN) ― For as long as there have been friends, there have been frenemies.

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson are perhaps America's most famous pair of feuding friends. Their storied relationship began in 1775 and ended abruptly on July 4, 1826, when the two ex-presidents died within hours of each other -- on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

Historians believe Adams' last words were, "Thomas Jefferson survives," muttered in his dying breaths before typhoid overcame him. Jefferson had actually passed away several hours earlier, so Adams' proclamation was incorrect.

Whether or not Adams' mention of Jefferson arose out of spite, bitterness, love or camaraderie, historians will never know. But what is clear is that the men held a mix of respect and contempt for each other and maintained an on-again off-again relationship for five decades.

Many at the time saw their Independence Day deaths as a sign of divine providence. Today, their intertwined July Fourth passings serve as a convenient metaphor for an American legacy of boundless disagreement and unlikely accord.

First, friends

Historians, including Gordon S. Wood in his book "Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson," have long focused on the two rivals' volatile relationship.
Their friendship began in the early days of the nation, despite their vastly different political views. Adams believed in a strong central government whereas Jefferson championed states' rights.

President Thomas Jefferson, left, and his predecessor, President John Adams.
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