【タイ洞窟】レスキュー隊が少年たちの場所に行くまで片道6時間、往復11時間 降雨予報で早期の救助の圧力がかかるも厳しい状況

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2018/07/05(木) 16:36:28.59ID:CAP_USER9

Thai cave rescue: Round trip to see boys takes 11 hours

By Euan McKirdy and Kocha Olarn, CNN

Updated at 0728 GMT (1528 HKT) July 5, 2018

Chiang Rai, Thailand (CNN) ― Divers working to free 12 boys and their coach who are trapped in a cave in northern Thailand must navigate dark, flooded tunnels for six hours to reach them. It takes another five hours to return.

Details of the extraordinary operation underway at the Tham Luang Nang Non emerged Thursday, as rescuers pushed ahead with multiple plans to free the boys trapped underground for almost two weeks.

More rain is forecast this weekend, putting pressure on rescuers to formulate a plan to remove the boys before flood waters rise any higher.

Huge volumes of water are being pumped out of the cave complex each day, but the narrow, winding passages inside the cave are still flooded, meaning diving through the murky water is currently the only way in and out.
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