
https ://www.businessinsider.com/weekender-the-trouble-with-modern-monetary-theory-mmt-2011-1

MMT verbally acknowledges that governments cannot "spend and spend" unproductively, but fails to pursue the implications of this truth.

The overwhelming message of MMT (and especially of Mosler!) is that the United States government is "unconstrained" in all the ways that matter - a serious inconsistency.

MMT says there will always be a demand for currency because of taxes and payments and transactions.

We rebut this by pointing out how easy it is to avoid holding a currency, even your own local one, by conducting
all necessary business solely at the point of transaction. There is no reason a U.S. based business couldn't hold
its cash reserves in Swiss Francs or crude oil if need be, converting to dollars for payment purposes on a just-in-time basis.
A U.S. employee paid in $USD can do the same thing, converting dollars to something else the moment they hit the account.

MMT implies that U.S. government self-funding equals financial immortality.

We say no, the ability to avoid technical default does not translate to a free pass. Even a self-funding monetary system can
experience severe decline if investors lose faith and shift their preferences at an escalating rate.