
When the World War II was fought, I took part in the Pacific War and went to New Guinea
as a lieutenant of U.S. Army. No sooner had we landed on the coast than Japanese sudden
raid made me drop out from the march alone. It took me three days to look for and return to
a unit to which I belonged, during which time I happened upon the following occurrence.

Walking throughout a dark jungle, the tropical sun burst forth and I found myself on the cliff
which commanded a view of a little valley. Presently I noticed five skinny Japanese soldiers
sitting on the bottom of the valley. Next moment, one of them slew another soldier with his
sabre, and the living four began devouring the victim's dead.
It is no doubt that this was the last scene that a man would like to view willingly, but it didn't
arouse any wrath of mine. Look at their skinny body! What they did was a behaviour which they
couldn't help doing and without which all the five would have starved to death, and moreover,
I had heard that such an incident was not rare among people without any foods to eat.
I concluded in my heart that the poor victim probably drew a losing ticket.

However, one thing I had wondered long was that the language which that victim soldier
were speaking seemed not to be Japanese. It was only 65 years later, when I heard a Korean
interviewed on TV, that I realised his language was Korean and he was chosen a victim not
by lot, but for his ethnicity. Thenceforward, my sympathies for those racist cannibals vanished