

The Court therefore concludes that Japan has violated:
(i) the moratorium on commercial whaling in each of the years during
which it has set catch limits above zero for minke whales, fin whales and humpback whales under JARPA II;
(ii) the factory ship moratorium in each of the seasons during which fin whales were taken, killed and treated under JARPA II; and
(iii) the prohibition of commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary in each of the seasons during
which fin whales have been taken under JARPA II.
(i) JARPA IIで日本がミンククジラ、ナガスクジラ、ザトウクジラを対象とする捕獲限度をゼロより上に設定した各年の期間において商業捕鯨モラトリアム;
(ii) JARPA IIでナガスクジラを捕獲・殺害・処理した各季の期間において母船モラトリアム;そして
(iii) JARPA IIでナガスクジラを捕獲した各季の期間において南極海サンクチュアリ