
As part of our ongoing Operation Bloody Fjords campaign to end the slaughter of dolphins and pilot whales in the Danish Faroe Islands,
Sea Shepherd coordinated ten weeks of covert land-based patrols from July to early September. Centrally coordinated by Sea Shepherd UK,
the crews were based in six different Faroese towns covering 19 designated whaling bays. During the ten weeks our volunteer crew,
who used their personal vacation time to blend in with other tourists, managed to document nine separate grindadrap.
We are now sharing the personal accounts of six of these teams and the images they recorded, one each day for six days.

Team 1, based in Torshavn, witnessed the Hvannasund grindadrap on 5th July 2017 (70 Long-finned pilot whales killed)

Team 2, based in Torshavn, witnessed the Hvannasund grindadrap of 17th July 2017 (191 long-finned pilot whales killed).

The first was the boat repair yard, the second a building with a United Seafood logo.
The building where fishermen unload their fish.
In other words, his most likely destination was a seafood sales company!
Given this, how can we deny the existence of a dolphin meat trade (whether sold directly or processed)?

Team 3, based in Torshavn, witnessed the Sydrugota dolphin hunt 25th July 2017 (16 white-sided dolphins killed)

Team 5, based in Saltangara, witnessed the Funningsfjordur hunt 5th August 2017 (133 Atlantic white-sided dolphins killed) and Hvannasund hunt 6th August 2017 (39 long-finned pilot whales and 1 white-sided dolphin killed).