
> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germany-beaver-couple-tree-yacht-muritz-elde-a8597841.html?utm_medium=Social&;utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1540309934
> 要約
> ドイツ北西のミューリッツ・エルベ川を船で観光旅行中だったカップルは、ビーバーがかじった20mの高さの木が船にヒットして転覆、危うく溺れ死にかけた。
> German couple narrowly escape death after beaver topples 20m-high tree onto yacht
> Rodent causes thousands of euros in damage
> Harriet Agerholm @HarrietAgerholm
> 41 minutes ago
> An industrious beaver in Germany has felled a 20-metre-high tree onto a yacht, narrowly missing the couple aboard.
> The German holidaymakers were travelling along the Müritz-Elde waterway in the northeast of the country when the poplar tree crushed the vessel.
> The couple were below board at the time and were unhurt, although thousands of euros worth of damage was caused to the boat.
> The Eurasian beaver is the largest rodent in Europe, weighing up to 30kg. It has brown fur, a flat tail and orange teeth.
> Following a period at the beginning of the 20th century when the Eurasian beaver teetered on the brink of extinction, the Elbe river in Germany became one of only a handful of sites in Europe where the animal has thrived.
> Habitat loss and a taste for beaver fur and meat are thought to have led the Eurasian beaver’s number to dwindle to just 1,200, according to one study by the Zoological Society of London.
> Now, however, the International Union for Conservation of Nature estimates the beaver population in Europe is more than 330,000.
> 容疑者
> https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/10/23/16/beaver-eurasian-0.jpg?w968h681