
Japan: Korean Destroyer locked targeting lader on Japanese Patrol airplane.
Korea: Please don't announce it officialy.
Japan: We refuse.
Korea: We didn't use targeting lader.
Japan: We have evidence.
Korea: We were performing rotine operation.
Japan: It's aginst the international rule.
Korea: We were serching for North Korean wrecked ship.
Japan: It was completely different from serching lader.
and the wrecked ship was in the air?
Korea: We used lader but it wasn't FCS.
Japan: It was FCS absolutely.
Korea: As we get terrible weather, we used the all lader we have.
Japan: It was clear and quiet.
Korea: Japan airplane came into the FCS only for a moment.
Japan: It was 5 minutes.
Korea: Japanese airplane threatened us.
Japan: We just patroled our territory.
Korea: Don't blame us for minor things. Abe administration is trying to use Anti-Korea sentiment for his favour.
Japan: Why did you igonre our radio communication.
Korea: Radio comunication didn't work well.
Japan: Just in case, we used 3 radio frequencies.
Korea: If you keep blaming us, show us the evidence.
Japan: OK, then.
Korea: we know it wouldn’t prove anything.
===Japan released a footage===
Korea:We must announce our deep concern and regret that Japan released a footage with a one-sided claim.