
カロリング朝ルネサンスまたはカロリング・ルネサンス[1](Carolingian Renaissance, Renaissance carolingienne )とは、
フランク王国(カロリング朝)のカール大帝(フランク王 768年 - 814年、西ローマ皇帝[* 1] 800年 - 814年)の頃(8世紀〜9世紀)

As Pierre Riché points out, the expression "Carolingian Renaissance" does not imply that Western Europe was barbaric or obscurantist
before the Carolingian era.[4] The centuries following the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West did not see an abrupt disappearance
of the ancient schools, from which emerged Martianus Capella, Cassiodorus and Boethius, essential icons of the Roman cultural heritage
in the Middle Ages, thanks to which the disciplines of liberal arts were preserved.[5] The 7th century saw the "Isidorian Renaissance" in
the Visigothic Kingdom of Hispania[6] in which sciences flourished[7][8][9] and the integration of Christian and pre-Christian thought
occurred,[10] while the spread of Irish monastic schools (scriptoria) over Europe laid the groundwork for the Carolingian Renaissance.[11][12]