How China can win a ‘trade war’ between Japan and South Korea

- Chinese companies including Huawei are well-placed to capitalise as Seoul and Tokyo take aim at each other’s tech firms, analysts say

- Meanwhile, Beijing’s diplomats have another reason to smile

Japan and South Korea could be good news for China, both economically and diplomatically, observers say.

With Tokyo’s export restrictions on South Korean firms likely to prove mutually destructive, Chinese manufacturers could gain a competitive edge, according to analysts, while the souring of relations between two key US allies is likely to leave Beijing’s diplomats rubbing their hands.

On Tuesday Tokyo vowed to stand behind its decision to restrict exports vital to its neighbour’s tech industry, despite a claim by Trade Minister Hiroshige Seko that it was “open to talks”. This suggested it had been unmoved by South Korean President 

Moon Jae-in’s threat that Seoul was prepared to take “necessary countermeasures”.

 7:00am, 10 Jul, 2019