俺のtwitterに知らない外国人がリプ付けてきたんだけど、なんて書いてあるのか教えてやm(_ _;)m

Several days ago, I visited a famous resort beach in Chiba, together with Randolph, a friend of mine.
In the beach we climbed the rock with about 10 feet high, from the top of which we could see a view of
the whole beach, and enjoyed the splendour of contrast between the cerulean blue sea and the ivory white sand.

At that time, overlooking around the rock casually, I noticed four Japanese girls approaching to us, and they
seemed to be sexually excited. Strangely enough, they were not so much walking as hopping like so many frogs,
and were giving off a damnable fishy odour. They surrounded the rock on which we stood, and were staring
at us without blinking.
The occurrence which ensued from this was so hideous that I could have never clearly said whether it was a
reality or only a nightmare, unless Randolph had witnessed the same thing. Before our eyes, they suddenly
took off their swimsuits naked, and began dancing a blasphemous dance. While three of them were casting
monotonous words like a magic spell, the other girl shouted "fuck me!"
I felt as if I were seeing a kind of ancient religious ceremony by savages like Aztecs or Polynesians. Randolph
nearly lost his sanity. This incident, it will be the last experience which we would care to remember, was enough to
smashed up everything which we had taken for granted.

When I left Rhode Island for Japan, another friend told me that not a few Japanese women regarded every white
men as handsome. I made it a rule never to believe such racial stereotypes, but now this rumour proved true.