【コロナ日報】英国、死者463(+41) 26日

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2020/03/26(木) 05:59:37.69ID:i2in2/oH9
【コロナ日報】英国、死者463(+41) 26日


DEATH TALLY JUMP UK coronavirus death toll rises to 463 after 41 deaths in last 24 hours
Brittany Vonow
25 Mar 2020, 19:24Updated: 25 Mar 2020, 20:49

THE UK coronavirus death toll today rose to 463 after 41 more deaths in the last 24 hours.

NHS England confirmed 28 people had died in England - including a 47-year-old with no underlying health conditions.

The latest deaths in the country mean 414 have died in England in total.

There were also 11 deaths in Scotland and Wales today as the grim numbers continued to rise in the UK.

Just yesterday, 87 more deaths were recorded in just 24 hours across the UK in the biggest leap yet.

There are now fears that half of the UK population may have already contracted the virus. as only hospital patients are now being routinely screened.

London remains the worst-hit area with around 3,000 cases - with around one in three positive tests coming in the English capital.

Today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced more than 400,000 Brits have registered as volunteers to help the NHS in the fight against COVID-19.

The Prime Minister, speaking at his daily press conference from Number 10, said he wanted to offer a "special thank you to everyone who has now volunteered to help."

London's ExCeL centre will also be converted into a new NHS hospital and 11,788 recently retired NHS staff will to the front line to help tackle coronavirus.

Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty told the press conference testing kits which will allow people to find out if they have had the virus will become available in the coming days.

However, he added the tests would need to be vetted by top medics first adding "it is better to have no test than a bad test".

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2020/03/26(木) 07:53:36.90ID:Yw/BKMHz0
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2020/03/26(木) 07:54:26.09ID:I15oL+cJ0
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