ヤバいの来た 不正投票はかなり組織的かつグローバルかもしれん



>Comfort women were mainly women and girls forced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army in occupied countries
>and territories before and during World War II, or who participated in the earlier program of voluntary prostitution.

>Originally, the brothels were established to provide soldiers with voluntary prostitutes in order to reduce the incidence of wartime rape,
>a cause of rising anti-Japanese sentiment across occupied territories. 

>However, many women ended up being forced to work in the brothels against their own will.
>According to testimonies, some young women were abducted from their homes in countries under Imperial Japanese rule.
>In many cases, local middlemen tasked with procuring prostitutes for the military lured women with promises of work in factories or restaurants.
>In some cases propaganda advocated equity and the sponsorship of women in higher education.
>Other enticements were false advertising for nursing jobs at outposts or Japanese army bases;
>once recruited, they were incarcerated in comfort stations both inside their nations and abroad.