She uses an electric wheelchair. Its weight is more than 100 kilograms.
She decided to make a short trip by JR.
On the day of her trip, she told the JR station staff that she wanted
to use a crewless station as her drop-off station.
A crewless station is a station where no station attendant is stationed
and is generally not used by many people.
The station she wanted to get off at did not have an elevator,
so she would not use her electric wheelchair.
A nearby crewed station would allow her to use her electric wheelchair,
and it was only a mile and a half away from her desired destination.
The station staff suggested that she use another nearby station
instead of a crewless station.
However, she rejected the station attendant's suggestion,
saying that the JR should send personnel to a crewless station
to carry her electric wheelchair down the stairs.
She said it is discriminatory for physically challenged people
not to use crewless stations in the same way as non-disabled people.
Japanese law stipulates that companies must take care of
the physically challenged, but it is a duty of effort and
does not require complete responsibility.
Her argument was subjected to criticism for its lack of rationality.