

Ukraine shells 2 schools in Donetsk killing one.

"When will Putin come? When will he come to save us ?"

Wowan interview
-What happened?
-Two large shells landed, there were two explosions.
-So was it Ukrainian diversionists?
-Of course, Ukrainian diversionists shell us very often. Especially during 2015-2016. Half of the village was burned down. Look there.

-Is the shelling heavy in the recent days?
-Heavy. Especially that side. Spartak and the airport. I have children, and two grandchildren and two children. I also want to live myself. When will it end? When will Putin come? When will he come to save us? Enough of it.

Teacher interview at school
-What do you think, where do the shell frow?
-Ukrainian army is shelling. We are sure, because they don'tlet us live for 8 years already.Ukrainian army is shelling the village constantly, a lot of people always suffer here.
-Ukrainian government and Zelensky says that they do not shot at civilians, what can you say about that?
-They always lie, that's it. I don't know, maybe to defend themselves. We know that is them shelling, because no one but them can. I don'treally understand how can the Ukrainian people shell the same Ukrainian people, as we used to live together and comminute. And now we have this situation that I have a desire to wish their families to go though the same thing.