Chicken masala is one of the basic chicken curry recipes from Indian cuisine that tastes delicious, flavorful and mildly spicy.
Author: Swasthi
Recipe type: Main
Cuisine: Indian
Yield / Serves: 3
Ingredients (240 ml cup used)
? kg chicken cubed with bones
? tsp Ginger garlic paste
? tsp Salt or as needed
? tsp red chili powder (mild variety like kashmiri or byadgi)
? tsp turmeric
? tsp garam masala or chicken masala
2 tbsps curd/ yogurt (optional)
other ingredients
Oil 2 tbps
1 small bay leaf
2 green cardamoms
1 small cinnamon stick
2 to 4 cloves
1 cup finely chopped onions
? tsp ginger garlic paste
1 to 2 green chilies chopped (milder variety)
? cup tomato puree or finely chopped
? tsp Salt or as needed
? to ? tsp red chili powder (mild variety like kashmiri or byadgi) (or as needed)
? to ? tsp garam masala or chicken masala
Handful of mint/ pudina leaves finely chopped or curry leaves or both
Handful of coriander leaves finely chopped

How to make the recipe
Clean and wash chicken well. Drain completely with no excess water.
Marinate with ginger garlic paste, turmeric, red chilli powder, salt, chicken masala or garam masala.
Cover & set aside for about 45 mins to 1 hour. It can also be left overnight in the refrigerator.
Heat oil in a pan or pot. Saute cloves, cinnamon, cardamoms and bay leaf in hot oil for a min. You can also add curry leaves if you have.
Add green chilies and onions. Saute them until the onions turn completely golden.


Add ginger garlic paste and saute until the raw smell goes off.
Add tomato puree, salt, red chili powder and garam masala.
Saute this very well until the mixture begins to leave the pan. At this stage you can also see oil getting separated from the mixture.
Add marinated chicken and saute for 4 to 5 mins on a medium flame.
Turn the flame to completely low and cook covered for 5 mins.
Flip the chicken pieces and mix everything well. Add coriander leaves or mint leaves and give a stir.
Cover the pan again and continue to cook on a low heat until chicken is completely cooked to soft and tender. Chicken gets cooked in its own moisture, so don't need to add water.