【中国】波のプールで機械の故障により3mの津波発生!44人が負傷の大惨事に [動画]


Faulty wave machine causes 10ft Tsunami with people seen 'running for their lives'

The tidal wave hit the Shuiyun Water Park in China, with up to 44 hurt as it swept away tourists and flipped them in their swimming rings
ByBrendan McFadden
11:03, 31 JUL 2019

A giant 10-foot 'tsunami' left 44 people bloodied and injured - after being caused caused by a faulty wave machine.

The chaotic scene was filmed at the wave pool located Shuiyun Water Park in north eastern China on July 29.

Footage taken by visitors shows swimmers suddenly faced with the large wave produced by the wave machine.

The tidal wave, which was described as 'tsunami', can be seen sweeping away tourists, flipping them and their swimming rings.
