
Peak Liberalism@PLiberalism
By American standard, the European right wing is a thing of fairy tales.
Trotted out to scare the children like a Grimm's tale. Germany's AfD that is
supposed to be so scary is center left by American standards. (1)

Hanno Zulla@hzulla
E.g. the US GOP is a nationalist libertarian party, meaning they despise both
foreigners and government institutions. And so does the party of the politician
we were talking about here. In fact, its leader calls the AfD a libertarian party.

There are also a lot of reactionaries in the CDU. The FDP is now the low tax
less government libertarian extreme right-wing party minus the Muslim hate of the AFD.

The party with a nazi past is the Austrian FPÖ. AfD was founded by libertarian professors
and, even if the party has moved to nationalist ideas, its current leaders (Gauland and Weidel)
have not a far-right past. Gauland was a member of the centre-right CDU for decades.

The AfD would seem like the Libertarian Party to an American, probably.

Thomas Hesmert@THesmert
The AfD is also an extremely libertarian party, with very similar ideas like Ron Paul in the US.
Low taxes, free markets, and no social security organized by the state.