【マトリョーシカダイヤ】シベリアのニュルバ遺跡でダイヤモンド入りのダイヤが発見される 8億年以上前のものの可能性も…

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2019/10/05(土) 05:34:19.01ID:wyDFYd8c9
Miner Alrosa Finds Russian Doll-Type Diamond With Another Gem Inside
By Yuliya Fedorinova
October 4, 2019, 11:19 AM EDT

Alrosa PJSCは、小さいながらもユニークなダイヤモンドを見つけました。このダイヤモンドには、伝統的なロシアのマトリョーシカ人形に似た、別の宝石が自由に動いています。


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Alrosa PJSC found a small, but unique diamond that has another gem moving freely inside it, resembling a traditional Russian Matryoshka doll.

The stone, found at Alrosa’s Nyurba site in Siberia, weighs just 0.62 carats, with an internal cavity of 6 cubic millimeters holding another crystal of just 0.02 carats, the miner said in a statement. It’s the first diamond of that nature to ever be found and may be more than 800 million years old, Alrosa said, citing scientists.

The Russian gem producer has also made other rare finds in recent years. In August, it said it plans to sell a 14.83-carat pink gem, named The Spirit of the Rose, that is expected to fetch one of the highest prices ever for a diamond.

Alrosa plans to send the Matryoshka diamond to the Gemological Institute of America for further analysis, a spokesman said. There are no details yet on how much the gem may be worth.

Matryoshka diamond アルロサ社

Spirit of the Rose 14.83-carat アルロサ社
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