【宇宙大麻爆誕か!】イーロン・マスク氏、宇宙ステーションにマリファナを贈る ミュータント大麻が発生する可能性も?



ASTRO-NAUGHTY Elon Musk is sending marijuana to astronauts on the ISS – and could create new ‘mutant’ weed
By Charlotte Edwards
12th December 2019, 11:35 am
Updated: 12th December 2019, 12:09 pm

ELON Musk’s Space X will be sending cannabis to the astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS).
The space dwellers can expect their delivery to be on a Space X Dragon capsule, which is scheduled to make its next trip in March 2020.

Musk himself may be the man behind Space X but he’s not the brains behind these weed plans.

It’s actually agri-tech company Front Range Biosciences.

The firm recently announced its intentions to send plant cultures of hemp, the legal cannabis strain with low levels of the THC compound, to space.

Once there, the cultures are intended to remain in an ISS incubator for 30 days.
