>>910 世界的権威だよ
Is the Coronavirus a Bioweapon?
A look at the Chinese regime's biological warfare intentions and capabilities
コロナウイルスは生物兵器か?中国政権の生物学的戦争の意図と能力に関する考察 2月8日

No less a figure than Dr. Francis Boyle, an expert on biowarfare, believes that “the coronavirus that we’re dealing
with here is an offensive biological warfare weapon.” Speaking of Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, which is at
the epicenter of the epidemic, he added that there have “been previous reports of problems with that lab
and things leaking out of it.”
After all, it was a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui, who announced that he had reengineered the human genome to
make it resistant to HIV, a feat for which he recently received a three-year prison sentence.