
Shocking Report Shows Half The Homeless At Boston Shelter Tested Positive For COVID-19: And None Had Symptoms
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 04/18/2020 - 21:00

Researchers and clinicians who have 'experimented' with random mass testing for COVID-19 have made some pretty amazing - and amazingly depressing - discoveries. Yesterday, we shared a report about one sweeping antibody testing regime set up by researchers in Santa Clara County in California.

The study found that the estimated level of novel coronavirus penetration in the county was "50-80% higher" than what had been recorded.

If that isn't enough to terrify every day trader who ratcheted up their exposure heading into the weekend, a news story about another surprising discovery - this time on the East Coast - has just come to our attention.

After a cluster of cases involving residents of a South Boston homeless shelter, Massachusetts public health officials tested every resident of the Pine Street shelter in Boston's South End.

COVID-19 の無作為大量検査の「実験」を行った研究者や臨床医は、驚くべき発見をしてきました-そして驚くほど憂鬱な発見をしてきました。 昨日、カリフォルニア州サンタクララ郡の研究者が行った大規模な抗体検査についての報告をシェアしました。




The results have garnered the attention of the CDC, which is "actively investigating the situation," according to Boston 25 News.

The CDC is now "actively looking into" into universal COVID-19 testing at Pine Street Inn homeless shelter.

The broad-scale testing took place at the shelter in Boston’s South End a week and a half ago because of a small cluster of cases there.

Of the 397 people tested, 146 people tested positive. Not a single one had any symptoms.



大規模なテストは、ボストンのサウスエンドのシェルターで行われた 1 週間半前にそこにケースの小さなクラスターのために。

397人のうち146人が陽性反応を示しましたが 症状が出た者は一人もいませんでした

"ダブルノックアウトパンチのようでした 陽性者の数は衝撃的だったが、陽性者の100%に症状がなかったという事実も同様に衝撃的だった」と、市の避難所で医療ケアを提供しているボストン・ヘルスケア・フォー・ザ・ホームレス・プログラムの社長であるジム・オコネル博士は述べた。

【Shocking Report 】ボストンの収容所にいるホームレスの人たち、半分が感染していた。しかしだれ一人症状が出ていない